About us

About Us: Discover the SailPak Story


Welcome to SailPak, where the sun-kissed shores of South Florida meet the boundless horizons of cruising. Set sail with us as we unveil the story behind the brand that's transforming your cruising experience.

SailPak is more than a name; it's a promise, a commitment, and an invitation to navigate life's adventures with the wind at your back and the sun on your face.

In the year 2019, a salty breeze of inspiration blew into the heart of our founder, Edward Williams III. A true cruiser at heart, Edward had charted over 110 voyages across the waves in the past three decades. Each journey unfurled new vistas, new stories, and new lessons. 


It was during his adventures that Edward came face-to-face with a challenge shared by many fellow sailors, the quest for top-notch cruising accessories. A quick online search left him high and dry, as the offerings on popular marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay left much to be desired. And so, a thought as bold as the ocean's expanse took root: why not create a brand that offers cruisers the quality they truly deserve?


That’s how SailPak was born – a brand that's anchored in the belief that every voyage deserves to be equipped with the finest gear. 


Edward's vision took shape in the heart of sunny South Florida, a place where the sea beckons and the sunsets paint the sky in hues that defy description. 


Here, in the cruising capital of the world, our team of 26 passionate individuals came together like crewmates on a ship, each with a shared commitment to crafting exceptional cruising accessories.

Our Mission 

We are on a mission to elevate your cruising escapades. Our products are more than just gear; they're the companions that enhance every moment on the water. From innovative deck essentials to reliable navigation tools, every item we offer carries the seal of Edward's expertise and passion. We've taken the lessons learned from those 110 voyages and poured them into products that promise to sail you through uncharted waters with ease and style.

Our Community

But this journey is not just about products – it's about community. We're more than a brand; we're a crew of like-minded enthusiasts, here to share stories, tips, and the unbreakable bond that forms when the sea becomes your second home.


Welcome aboard, mate! Your next great cruise begins here, with